Spliced Takes - Hollywood Revisited

  1. Flaming Star (alternate master, fast)
  2. A Cane And A High Starched Collar (alternate master)
  3. Beyond The Bend (spliced takes 1,2)
  4. Shopping Around (spliced takes 6,7,9,10)
  5. Adam And Evil (spliced takes 3,5,9,10,16)
  6. It Won't Be Long (spliced takes 1,2,5)
  7. Moonlight Swim (alternate master)
  8. Mama (alternate master)
  9. Frankfort Special (medium tempo, spliced takes 6,8)
  10. Mexico (spliced takes 1,2)
  11. Long Legged Girl (spliced takes 1,2)
  12. She's A Machine (spliced takes 4,4,5)
  13. G.I. Blues (spliced takes 4,2,3,5)
  14. Tonight's All Right For Love (alternate master)
  15. Riding the Rainbow (spliced from MX4 take 7 & M4 take 9)
  16. Doin' The Best I Can (spliced takes 5,7,9)
  17. Dominic (spliced takes 1,2)
  18. A Little Less Conversation (spliced takes 12,15)
  19. Frankie And Johnny (spliced takes 3,4,1)
  20. Petunia, The Gardener's Daughter (spliced takes 2,5)
  21. El Toro (spliced takes 2,1)
  22. Summer Kisses, Winter Tears (spliced takes 15,16)
  23. Yoga Is As Yoga Does (spliced takes 2,3,1,3,4)
  24. Cotton Candy Land (spliced takes 3,4)
  25. I'm Not The Marrying Kind (spliced takes 1,3,5,6)
  26. Am I Ready (spliced takes 5,6)
  27. A House That Has Everything (spliced takes 3,6)
  28. Forget Me Never (spliced takes 2,1)
  29. Happy Ending (spliced takes 4,6)
  30. Flaming Star (end title, spliced takes 3,1)
Label CMT
Release Unknown

